The “WordPress to Fairberry” plugin allows you to receive leads from the website directly to Fairberry’s customer management system. The sole purpose of the plugin is to transfer information between your WordPress website and the Fairberry system most simply and conveniently. The plugin works with CF7, Elementor Pro, Gravity Forms, and Ninja Forms.

What to do?:

*Sections 1-4 detail the installation of plugins on the WordPress website, you can skip to section 5.

  1. After purchasing a license, you should save the license key, download and save it on your computer.
  2. Log on to your WordPress dashboard and add a new plugin (control panel -> plugins -> add new plugin -> upload plugin -> choose file.
  3. In the panel that opens, navigate to where the “GB to Fireberry” file is saved on the computer and click open -> installation.
  4. After the installation is complete, click “Activate Add-on”.
  5. Activation:
    • Go to the Plugins page (Control Panel -> “GB to Fireberry”).
    • In the activation window in the “License key” field, enter the license key you received after purchasing the plugin and click on “Check & Save” -> click on “Activate” after loading, if everything is correct, the activation screen will disappear. If it doesn’t disappear, feel free to contact us.
  6. Creating the first connection:
    • On the main page of the plugin (Control Panel -> GB to Fireberry) click on the “Add connection – new contact form” button.
    • Give the connection a name (only a label that will make it easier for you to identify it) and insert it in the “Enter a name for the connection” field.
    • Enter the user’s token from Fireberry.
    • Finally, click on the “next step” button.
    • At this stage, you need to select the desired table from the selection field “Select a table in Fairberry
      (Note that, by default, 3 tables from Fireberry are open. The other tables are not open, but you can contact us and we will examine the possibility of opening the table relevant to you.)
    • After selecting the table, click on “Next step”.
    • After loading the page, the items will appear. Each item represents a field in the selected table and contains:
      – Label – field name from the table in Fireberry,
      – Label – field ID from the table in Fireberry,
      – Field – the name of the field from the form on the website (name = name tag of the field)
      – Field – a permanent value that is transmitted to Fireberry every time the form is sent from the site.
      – At this stage, you need to make connections between the fields in the form and the fields in Fireberry, for example: a username field from the form named “your-name” will enter the field labeled “account name”.
      Another example: a telephone field from the form named “field[tel]” will enter the field labeled “telephone1”.
      – After completing the connections, don’t forget to save by clicking the “Save” button located at the bottom of the table.

For developers:

  • URL parameters such as UTM or similar: the plugin does not perform actions on the FRONTEND side of the site, so you need to use JavaScript to add the values ​​from the URL to hidden fields in the form and add these fields to the connection.
  • The plugin does not support attaching files to Fireberry.

filters and actions

  • Filter – gbplall_before_send_fields – contains the Fireberry fields and values ​​from the form in the corresponding fields, you can edit and return the array for sending.
  • Action – gbplall_after_send_failure – sends the response from Fireberry as a parameter.
  • Action – gbplall_after_send_success – sends the response from Fireberry as a parameter. In this case, it is possible to make a two-way connection to Fireberry with actions after opening a new client.